
Lenten Studies Finale: Being Friends When You Disagree - Bishop Justin Duckworth and Jason Malcolm

Join us for the final episode of our Lenten Studies series with Bishop Justin Duckworth and Jason Malcolm who share about their inspiring friendship and ministry. In this heartfelt conversation, they discuss their unique bond, mutual appreciation, and the lessons they've learned from each other over the years. Don't miss this important discussion filled with wisdom, humour, and deep reflections on faith and community.

Chapter Timestamps:

0:00 - Introduction to the Lenten Studies Finale

0:07 - Ana and Rebecca's Interview Setup

0:19 - Meet Pastor Jason Malcolm

0:52 - Jason's Background and Ministry

1:26 - Justin's Thoughts on Jason

2:02 - Jason's Admiration for Justin

2:19 - Generosity and Adventure in Friendship

2:46 - Deepening Faith and Community Service

3:20 - Navigating Differences in Political Views

4:04 - Vaccine Clinic Collaboration

5:03 - Lessons in Prioritizing People Over Pet Projects

6:00 - Embracing Kingdom Mindedness Over Denominationalism

7:01 - The Joy of Collaboration and Shared Mission

8:18 - Reflections on Fun and Laughter in Ministry

8:53 - Closing Thoughts and Challenge from Jason

9:42 - Justin's Takeaways and Closing Remarks

📌 Key Themes:

Friendship and Ministry

Mutual Respect and Learning

Community Service and Generosity

Navigating Differences with Love

Embracing Kingdom Mindedness

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