Our Bicultural History: Walking Backwards into the Future | Anglican Movement, Diocese of Wellington

Video Breakdown:

0:00 - Introduction with Whakatauki

Begin with a powerful Māori proverb that encapsulates our journey of understanding the future through the past.

0:10 - Acknowledge History

Discover the long history of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and its importance in shaping our future.

0:23 - Māori Guardianship

Learn about the special relationship Māori, the first guardians of this land, have with their whenua.

0:30 - Ngati Maru’s Vision

Hear the 1766 vision of Ngati Maru foretelling the arrival of a new religion.

0:40 - First Christian Sermon

Revisit the moment in 1814 when Samuel Marsden preached the first Christian sermon in New Zealand, and understand how Māori had been preparing for this moment.

1:00 - Story of Tarore

Follow the inspiring story of Tarore, a rangatira’s daughter, and the spread of the Gospel of Luke by Ripahau.

1:20 - Tamihana and Ripahau’s Journey

See how Tamihana and Ripahau's passion for Christianity led them to the Bay of Islands and eventually brought Octavius Hadfield to their region.

1:40 - Preaching Peace

Witness Tamihana and Ripahau's mission to the South Island to preach the message of peace.

1:50 - Henry Williams and Wellington

Understand the role of Henry Williams in securing land for the church in Wellington and the spreading of the gospel by Hadfield and Te Rangi.

2:10 - Treaty of Waitangi

Reflect on the Anglican Church’s role as a mediator in the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, acknowledging the good intentions and the impact of colonialism.

2:30 - Impact of Colonialism

Conclude with a reflection on the lasting impact of colonialism and the ongoing journey towards reconciliation.

Join us in celebrating the faith, resilience, and transformative power of our communities. This video not only honours our past but also inspires us to walk boldly into the future with Jesus.

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