Dig into God’s Word.

‘Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path’ (Psalm 119:105). The Bible - God’s diverse, rich, challenging, inspiring, mysterious - love letter to humanity. Try some of these resources and dig deeper into God’s word. Prepare to be changed!


Read the whole thing

Bible in One Year is a great app which takes you on a journey of the whole narrative of scripture, day by day. It has Classic, Express and Youth versions. You can access the content via the website if you don’t have a smartphone.

Bible in One Year

Praying scripture

Lectio Divina, or ‘divine reading’, is an ancient practice of reading, reflecting and responding in prayer on a passage of scripture.

Lectio365 App from 24-7 Prayer

Scripture and Prayer Resources

Exploring themes in the Bible

The Bible Project has some amazing reading plans presented in accessible formats. We particularly love the ‘One story that points to Jesus’ series.

Reading plans from The Bible Project