Transitional Deacon Ordination Information
Timetable for the afternoon
1:45pm - All clergy and processing wardens (you don’t need to bring your ‘wands’) are to be robed and congregating in the ambulatory for procession no later than this time. The processional order is below. Note that if you are supporting an ordinand, you are walking in with them at the invitation of the kai karanga when the service begins.
2pm - The ordination service begins.
Refreshments will be service after the service.
If you can’t make it, watch the livestream: https://youtu.be/P7QlzB3FolA
Robing information
A reminder that all active clergy who hold a Covenant are expected to attend in support of their fellow clergy. All PTO, PTM and retired clergy are welcome to attend. Please wear an alb and red stole. You are only required to robe and process for the ordination part of the service. Robing areas are as follows:
Diocesan and visiting Clergy, and Wardens (if robing) – robe in the Crypt (under the Chancel, downstairs, accessible from both side corridors.) Those unable to manage the steep stairs to the Crypt please use the Brian Davis Room.
Lay Canons: robes are in top Vestry by High Altar, Molesworth Street side.
Archdeacons, Clerical Canons and Bishops - robe in the Dean's Vestry.
Ordinands – Lady Chapel
Processional order
Crucifer and Acolytes
Cathedral Choir
Diocesan and visiting Deacons
Diocesan and visiting Priests
Cathedral Canons
Seating Information
Clergy and Wardens will be seated in the Chancel. Archdeacons will be in the two back rows of the choir stalls.
If anyone would like seating for those with disabilities or for wheelchair spaces to be reserved, please email Dara at the Cathedral on admin@wellingtoncathedral.org.nz so sufficient seating can be arranged.
We suggest that do not bring valuables with you that you cannot leave with someone else or carry on your person, as we cannot guarantee their safety during the day.
Transport and Parking Information
Please see the attached map with parking options close to the Cathedral. If you would like to request a disability or elderly car park near the Cathedral entrance, or if your parish is bringing buses, please email Dara Choo at the Cathedral on admin@wellingtoncathedral.org.nz or ring the Cathedral staff on 04 472 0286. For both space and environmental reasons we encourage you to carpool or use public transport.
Laying on of hands at ordination
This service is going to be large! For this reason during the ordination itself we are limiting the number of clergy who come forward to lay hands on candidates. If you decide to come up, please avoid the rug area to provide greater visibility. Of course you are very welcome to remain in your places and extend your hands, and form a human chain too.
Transitional Deacon Ordination Service Information
1:45pm - All clergy and processing wardens (you don’t need to bring your ‘wands’) are to be robed and congregating in the ambulatory for procession no later than this time. The processional order is below. Note that if you are supporting an ordinand, you are walking in with them at the invitation of the kai karanga when the service begins.
2pm - The ordination service begins.
Refreshments will be service after the service.
Clergy and Wardens will be seated in the Chancel. Archdeacons will be in the two back rows of the choir stalls.
If anyone would like seating for those with disabilities or for wheelchair spaces to be reserved, please email Dara at the Cathedral on admin@wellingtoncathedral.org.nz so sufficient seating can be arranged.
A reminder that all active clergy who hold a Covenant are expected to attend in support of their fellow clergy. All PTO, PTM and retired clergy are welcome to attend. Please wear an alb and red stole. You are only required to robe and process for the ordination part of the service. Robing areas are as follows:
Diocesan and visiting Clergy, and Wardens (if robing) – robe in the Crypt (under the Chancel, downstairs, accessible from both side corridors.) Those unable to manage the steep stairs to the Crypt please use the Brian Davis Room.
Lay Canons: robes are in top Vestry by High Altar, Molesworth Street side.
Archdeacons, Clerical Canons and Bishops - robe in the Dean's Vestry.
Ordinands – Lady Chapel
Processional Order
Crucifer and Acolytes
Cathedral Choir
Diocesan and visiting Deacons
Diocesan and visiting Priests
Cathedral Canons
Please see the attached map with parking options close to the Cathedral. If you would like to request a disability or elderly car park near the Cathedral entrance, or if your parish is bringing buses, please email Dara Choo at the Cathedral on admin@wellingtoncathedral.org.nz or ring the Cathedral staff on 04 472 0286. For both space and environmental reasons we encourage you to carpool or use public transport.
This service is going to be large! For this reason during the ordination itself we are limiting the number of clergy who come forward to lay hands on candidates. If you decide to come up, please avoid the rug area to provide greater visibility. Of course you are very welcome to remain in your places and extend your hands, and form a human chain too.