Rev. Wendy Smyth

Rev. Wendy Smyth is currently the Chaplain of St Matthew’s Collegiate School in Masterton. Wendy is married to Chris (35 Years and counting) and has four grown children with 11 grandchildren. She ministers across the Wairarapa and anywhere anyone will have her. She loves to pray for people and speak into their lives the love and life of Christ.

My calling journey to ordination has been vast and long. As I look back, I can see God’s work right from when I was a little person sitting in St Mark’s Anglican Church, swinging my legs as I gazed in awe of its beauty. I was not raised Anglican. I was raised to know God and be known by God though.

God has called me to His Church and has asked me to lay down my hopes, my dreams, my life – all of me and place them in His hands. He is sovereign. His sovereignty in my life means that I fear nothing. And to complete the lyrics of the song to which I am eluding, in His never failing love, He will work everything for good and whatever comes my way, I will trust Him.

For reasons only known to Him, God has called me in this season to the Anglican world. I am a disciple who makes disciples in my homeland. I believe that God the Father created me in love, so I may have a loving relationship with Him; I believe that through the death and risen power of Christ, all who believe and confess Jesus as Lord can be saved from the penalty and power of sin, enjoying an eternal relationship with God and an abundant life.  I believe in the resurrection of the dead, and that all true believers will one day experience the eternal presence of God, through Christ.

I walk, talk, live, model, claim, and state these beliefs whenever I can, to whomever I can, in love, in the context within which I find myself. My community is whomever I find myself with and I love them as well as I am able – no not I, but through Christ in me.

The ordination service for Wendy Smyth takes place at 6:30 pm Wednesday 13 November at St Mark’s Carterton.


Rev. Joanna Harrington


Rev. Maria Kirkland