Wellington Youth Choir to Perform "Considering Matthew Shepard" at Wellington Cathedral

On Saturday, October 12, the Wellington Youth Choir (WYC) will present the North Island premiere of Considering Matthew Shepard, a powerful musical work by Craig Hella Johnson.

The performance, hosted at Wellington Cathedral of St Paul, will feature a collaboration between WYC and the Christchurch Youth Choir (CYC).

Considering Matthew Shepard blends traditional sacred music with elements of poetry, jazz, country, and musical theatre, weaving together a diverse tapestry of influences. The performance commemorates the 26th anniversary of Matthew Shepard's tragic death. Shepard, a young gay man from Wyoming, was brutally murdered in 1998, sparking a global movement toward greater acceptance of the rainbow community.

"This concert is deeply meaningful to us, especially since many of our members identify as part of the rainbow community," said Etienne Wain, a member of Blueprint Church and Wellington Youth Choir.

"The message of Considering Matthew Shepard—of common humanity, compassion, and love—is one that resonates strongly with us all."

Etienne emphasized that the performance is a reflection of shared humanity. "It’s a prayerful meditation on the idea that every person, regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or any other identity, bears the Image of God. It’s a reminder that love can triumph over hate," he said.

The Wellington Youth Choir has strong ties to the local Anglican community, regularly practising and performing at St Peter's on Willis, with enthusiastic support from the church’s leadership.

"We’re so grateful to Wellington Cathedral of St Paul for hosting this event, and to Rev'd Jean Malcolm and Parish Administrator Toni Weir from St Peter's on Willis for their continuous encouragement over the years," added Etienne.

The concert is expected to be an emotional and memorable evening. Tickets for Considering Matthew Shepard can be purchased


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