Anglican Movement

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Living Wage Schools Launch

Living Wage Aotearoa invite you to send a delegation to the Living Wage Schools Launch on 29 August at Aro Community Centre at 6:00 pm. It would be fantastic to have a great turnout from the community.

The Living Wage Movement has successfully achieved a living wage in the core state sector, numerous local councils, and hundreds of businesses across Aotearoa. Our current focus is on schools. We are initially prioritising our efforts towards directly employed and contracted school workers who predominantly receive the minimum wage – cleaners, caretakers, canteen staff, and groundskeepers (CCCGs).      

Our goal is to have the central government step up and provide support to schools, ensuring they have the necessary funds to deliver the living wage to these workers. This will enable them to live with dignity and be valued for the contributions they make to their school communities.      

The launch will feature speeches, food & drink, and music to unite us in our shared goal of organising within our community to bring about change for thousands of CCCGs across Aotearoa.  

Join us in our mission to transform this reality for CCCGs, show solidarity with our movement, and be part of the emergence of Living Wage Schools!   

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