Moving on…

Daile Long is finishing up her role at the Anglican Centre.
We have been so blessed by her mahi in the events space and wish her well in the new spaces God takes her.

Daile writes:
I have been running events for the Diocese for three and a half years since Jan 2020. Little did we know that just a few days after my first Training Day at Marsden, large events would be cancelled, and the borders would be shut. It’s been a wild ride since then, many events postponed, cancelled, or moved onto Zoom. In amongst it all we’ve had hugely successful large-scale events, and also pivoted to regional training days and local ordination services as required. It’s been a whirlwind to say the least. But having moved to Whanganui 18 months ago, I feel called to put down deeper roots here and spend more time locally in Whanganui.

What are some of your highlights?

  • Seeing people having lots of fun at events – there’s nothing quite like surprise iceblock and donut trucks, mocktail parties, bouncy castles and pool parties to brighten up people’s faces and lift their spirits

  • Getting to meet everyone and experience the breadth of this Diocese. I’ve made so many friends and beautiful connections along the way and glad that these will continue long into the future. We have so much to share and learn from one another.

  • Working with incredible people who volunteer their time to make all of these events and more happen. I’m always blown away by the servant heartedness of our dio whanau.

  • Running really big gigs - including Ordination and Thanksgiving in 2020 where we had 800 odd people in attendance for our 23 priests who were getting ordained, and Ministry Leaders Family Camps with over 500 people. It’s carnage but it’s beautiful carnage 😉

 What will you miss most?

  • Working at the Anglican Centre, with some incredible people who love and serve God with all their hearts. It’s an amazing place that really invests in good culture, prayer and where people love on each other well. I don’t think there is anywhere quite like it. Oh and don’t forget the 5 minute quiz!

 Any other thoughts?

  • You will still see me around! I will be at future diocesan events including Ministry Leaders Family Camp and Training Days (although maybe not all of them!) and heavily involved in the Whanganui Parish and the St Lukes Castlecliff Church plant (can we still call it that 18 months in?). So please don’t hesitate to come say hi.

Ngā mihi nui,



Farewell to David and Pixie Rowe


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