Introducing Nickie

Nickie George joined the Anglican Centre team in January as the Volunteer and Administration Team Leader so we thought we’d find out a little bit more about her and her new role.

Tell us a bit about yourself
I am a mother of 3 amazing teenagers, Cameron 19, Ryan 16 and Isabella 14. I worship and do mission in Johnsonville with St John’s Parish where I have been a member for the past 9 years. I am part of the senior leadership of our Children and Families’ ministry and have a passion for faith formation in our young people and their families. I’m also a Godly Play storyteller, and last year was involved in starting intergenerational ‘Pizza Church’ groups in the parish. I love a good crafting session and am often found knee deep in fabric, paper and glue, creating resources for Children and Families ministry as well as the wider community.

Tell us a bit about your role
I am the Administration and Volunteer Team Leader for the Anglican Centre. I help our Dio manager Ben Pringle run the office, mange the resource centre and reception, and manage the team of volunteers who provide a valuable and varied service from Catering, packing for synod and camps, packing orders, and many other things. I am the friendly face that greets you when you arrive and I make a great cuppa tea!

What are you currently working on?
I’m currently learning all that is involved in running the behind the scenes in the office, and all the processes for our resources and ordering. I’m also starting to put in place some new systems to streamline some of our existing processes. Wearing my Kids Ministry ‘hat’ right now we are getting the term underway by providing our parish households resource kits for kids ministry, and I’ve just joined a study group on Children’s Spirituality.

What should parishes call you about?
Well that is a loaded question…. Police Checks, resourcing, general enquiries, booking of rooms at the Anglican Centre, many other things. 

What is one thing you wish parishes knew?
That many staff here are only part time, so our phone is not always manned and email is a great way of communicating.

Is there anything else we should know?
When I first met the vicar of Johnsonville I told him that my mother was interested in coming to church but not to expect to see me there! I’ve also ridden over 70% of New Zealand on a push bike.


In Memoriam - Reverend Marian Garrett


Introducing Elsie