Introducing Janet

Janet Mansell has just joined the Anglican Centre team as the Management Accountant so we thought we’d find out a little bit more about her and her new role.

Tell us a bit about yourself
Southland born; I grew up on a farm under the foothills of the Takitimu ranges. Since then, I have lived in 5 NZ cities and 4 towns criss-crossing between the North Island and the South Island. I also did two 3-month short term mission stints; one in South Korea and the other in Peru. My late husband, Graham, came from Karaka, near Pukekohe and I enjoyed the opportunities to engage in ministry that came with his role as a Presbyterian minister. I have 3 adult children and the imminent arrival of my first grandchild led me to relocate to Naenae where my daughter and her husband live.

Tell us what your role is and what attracted you to the Anglican Centre?
I am an accountant with strong leanings towards strategy and project work. I have just completed a four-year role as Finance Manager with NZCMS and loved the blend of working with people who were passionate about mission, strengthening their accounting systems and supporting the team with their financial needs. It seemed a natural progression to move from that role to working with the Anglican Centre when I moved to the Wellington region. My new role is to help support the finance and operations team with project work/systems improvements in whichever way is needed. One project relates to ratifying data relating to land and buildings owned by the Diocese.

What is a fun fact about yourself?
I get real pleasure out of taking photos. Taking time to frame a photo helps me to see things in nature that I would otherwise not notice.


Moving - Rev. Tim Bustin


Retiring - Rev. Peter Benge