Anglican Movement

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Fresh Residential Community for Students at Massey Welington

We’re starting a new residential community aimed at (but not exclusively) Massey students, either fresh or returning, under or postgraduate.

As the official withdrawal date for the usual Massey accommodation is Jan 22nd, students who are signed up for halls still have a little time to but wish to explore our offering.

Life will triangulate between:

  • the community house (in Island Bay),

  • the church next door (St Hilda’s)

  • and Massey life and Chaplaincy.

We wish to provide an environment that honours individual and communal life, a place that encourages creative projects and positions communal life alongside church life.

The church next door is healthy, growing and has regular gigs and events, so we would love to share these communal opportunities.

The vicarage is a solid, dry, insulated 6bdm house. The bus stop is next to the church with regular buses toward campus; a 15-minute trip. The beach and wild south coast are a few blocks away. It’s a wonderful place to be.

Chaplaincy at Massey is simple, functioning around a coffee trolley that pops up in different parts of campus. We enable conversation with staff and students who are mainly not in faith. Chapel is weekly, with a simple liturgy, some Lectio, sharing and prayer. Chaplains have strong connections, particularly with the creative arts and nursing school.

The community will gather next door (St Hilda’s) for morning prayer on Friday and community worship on Sunday morning. We’ll aim to share most weekday meals and have a gathering on Tuesday night. We’ll offer mentoring and connection. The house will be managed/shared with Athena, from the church leadership team.

From my perspective as a Coordinating Chaplain at Massey, I’m really excited to be able to offer this opportunity. Until now, Massey students who wish to live in a community like this, have had to align with Victoria University campus and their Chaplaincy in Kelburn. We’re all great friends with their team, but it’s awesome to offer this alongside Massey rather than hitchhiking with another uni.

Student accommodation at Massey Wgtn is all self-catered and most courses include online learning, meaning an increasing number of students get lonely or disconnected. We’re not wanting to get dark on student life, but community has become increasingly important, especially in the first few years of study.

So this is why we’re really happy to announce this. Please let us know if you have any students that might be interested. We’re not exclusive to first-year students or undergrads.

Mark Henderwood
Priest in Charge, St Hilda’s Island Bay