Wayfinder Workshops with Brian and Stephanie Bullen

Is your church seeing lots of new people starting to follow Jesus? No? Do you want to improve on that number?

We can help.

For three years now, we have been involved in training churches across New Zealand in how to reach out to the people around them in a simple, natural way. The results have been very encouraging.

Here’s what people are saying.

Brian and Stephanie Bullen came and took a training course with members of our church community and other local churches in June 2023. It was practical, down-to-earth and easy to follow. Most of all they gave us practical resources and tools which we were able to practice with one another and then take away to share our story and the gospel story with people that we meet day to day.

I was inspired to begin reading the Bible at the end of a mum's play group with 6-7 mums as the children kept playing and one Mum who had never read the Bible before is now really engaged in the Bible reading and sharing it with her husband who has now joined a men's group at our church.

Raewyn Moodie, Regional Coach, Baptist Children & Family Ministries.

We recently had Brian and Stephanie take their Wayfinders workshop at Waikanae Baptist. I particularly like this workshop because it contains discipleship material that Brian has honed over the years for our New Zealand context, and it works! I can attest to that after recently using part of the material to lead a family member to Christ. This family member had been an enquirer for years but never quite got across the line – until now. I also like their practical approach. Rather than attending a seminar where you hear a lot of information but don’t get to try it Brian and Stephanie have developed their workshop so that you practice each aspect as you go along. This immediate implementation of what you learn reinforces the material and is very helpful. I have no hesitation in recommending their ‘Wayfi nders’ Workshop

Nigel Scott, Lead Pastor Waikanae Baptist Church.

Wayfinder Workshops

Have you ever wanted to feel like leading people to Jesus and growing them in their faith was something you could actually do?

In this practical workshop with Brian and Stephanie - learn a simple, relational, and authentically Kiwi story for the New Zealand context.

What to expect:

Carve out a day (9 am to 4 pm). There will be training, activities to do alone, exercises in small groups, practising on each other, and if you're game - taking it to the outside world! (As well as breaks for morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea!) It is not threatening, it is all eminently doable, and you will leave feeling this is something you can do, want to do, and are now equipped to do.

  • Naturally lead a conversation in a spiritual direction

  • Share your God story simply and briefly

  • Find the people who are interested

  • Explain the good news of Jesus in language that resonates with people

  • Disciple people by reading the bible with them

But wait - there's more.

As well as doing a workshop with your church we offer ongoing coaching for people, groups and churches.

Contact our National Trainers

Brian Bullen 021532765

Stephanie Bullen 0274532765



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