Anglican Movement

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Fill in the Big NZ Climate Action Survey!

You are invited to fill in the Big New Zealand Climate Action Survey. The survey has been extended and will now close on Thursday 30 November.

This survey is open to anyone living in Aotearoa New Zealand who is at least 16 years old and who takes any sort of action to respond to climate change. The more people who complete the survey, the more useful the findings will be for supporting climate action in Aotearoa, so please spread the word!

The survey has two main sections. The first of these asks about the social change you think is needed to respond to climate change, and the second asks about the forms of climate action you think can most effectively achieve the needed social change.

The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. I hope that you find that completing it provides you with a valuable opportunity to reflect on how you engage with and think about climate change and climate action.

Everyone who completes the survey has the option of going into a draw to win one of twenty $20 supermarket vouchers.

Fill in the survey by clicking the link here.

Your survey answers will be confidential to the researcher and their supervisory team. Personal details will only be collected for those who wish to enter the prize draw, request a copy of the research report, or register for the focus groups taking place in the second stage of the research (see the ‘Focus groups‘ tab for more on this). If preferred, you also have the option of making your survey answers completely anonymous by not providing any contact details – this means that nobody, including the researcher, will be aware of your identity.