David Cross joins the Anglican Centre as Communications Manager

David Cross has joined the Anglican Centre Communications team part time on a 6 month contract and is excited about the work ahead.

“Our vision for the Comms team is to celebrate the life Jesus calls us to. Across the region there are amazing stories that speak of God’s goodness. They are an encouragement to us as the family of God about what is possible and what God is inviting us to.”

David is a long-term member of Urban Vision and leads the Berhampore team with wife, Maria. He previously worked as Manager of the Home of Compassion in Island Bay. And before working at the Home of Compassion, David and Maria served for 7 years in the Philippines with Servants to Asia’s Urban Poor.

“I’m thankful that, from an early age, Jesus formed in me a heart towards the last the lost and the least. It’s wonderful to be among like-minded people who share that call here at the Anglican Centre.”

David enjoys mountain running and following his kids around the football and cricket grounds.

David can be reached by email on dave@anglicanmovement.nz or phone 027 256 6315. His days of work are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.


In Memoriam - Reverend Richard Simpson, Canon Emeritus

