Art @ The Cathedral

Wellington Cathedral of St Paul will be holding a series of 1 hour talks on the lives and art of four prominent New Zealand artists, whose works adorn our walls and windows.

These talks are to coincide with the Aotearoa New Zealand Festival of the Arts 2024.

11 am, Monday 4 March: Jenny Shearer learnt the art and skill of pottery from Roy Cowan in Ngaio

11 am, Tuesday 5 March: Claire Bell, a Whanganui glass artist, studied in John Hutton’s London studio

11 am Wednesday 6 March: Mark Hutchins-Pond, former art curator at Pataka Art Museum, is a Melvin Day specialist

11 am Thursday 7 March: Sylvia Cavanagh grew up watching her mother Beverley Shore Bennett create her stained glass designs.

Art lovers will be invited to discover more about these artists whose works are displayed in the Cathedral. Each artist is admired nationally and has significant international acclaim.

The artists include Melvin Day, whose Stabat Mater series was gifted to the Cathedral in recent years; John Hutton, whose celebrated glass carvings of angels adorn the inner doors to the Nave; Roy Cowan’s striking ceramic Moderne Madonna mural hangs in the Amnesty Chapel; and Beverley Shore Bennett’s stained-glass windows adorn the Nave and the Lady Chapel.


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