Waitangi Visit - Deeply Moving and Inspiring
The Karuwhā trust seeks to engage Aotearoa New Zealand in a conversation about identity and history to help people know the story they are part of.
Communities Gather in Naenae
An energetic buzz filled St David’s, Naenae, as missional communities gathered to dedicate themselves for another year.
Lent studies are live (see video)
This year, we’re diving into the great speech of Jesus to his disciples in John’s gospel, beginning at chapter 14 and ending with his heartfelt prayer in chapter 17.
Electoral College this Saturday
Synod members gather this Saturday in Feilding to discern and vote for an Assistant Bishop.
Celebrate Te Rā o Waitangi
“the beauty and the blessing of this land is enhanced by the Treaty and allows us to create something wonderful here”
Movement Whānau Worship Outdoors
Church whānau across our movement are exploring ways to worship in our natural environment and making the most of the warmer weather.
Movement Whānau Represent at New Wine
A massive number of us from the Diocese were at New Wine festival over the weekend. Tawa Anglican’s write about their experience.
Our Adventures with Jesus in 2023
Join with us as we celebrate being whānau together looking back over some of the highlights of 2023.
We Remember God is With Us
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”).
Matthew 1.23
Ordain-a-thon Finale in Lyall Bay
On a windy Wellington day, a crowd gathered in anticipation at St. Jude's Church hall to witness the ordination to priesthood of Rev Jax Clark and Rev Kevin Denholm.
New Direction for Regional Anglican Studies Programme
The Diocese is entering into a new direction for the provision of its regional theological studies programme next year by promoting study through Bishopdale College in Nelson.
Rev Alison Seifert Ordained in Raetihi
After celebrating 100 years of worship in fine style in February, St Mary’s Raetihi was again filled with joyful worshippers as church, community, family and friends came together to celebrate the ordination of Rev Alison Seifert to the priesthood.
Gingerbread House Brings Christmas Joy
Onslow Anglicans entered into the spirit of the Christmas season on Saturday night by creating a gingerbread photo booth as a creative way of inviting the community onto the grounds of St Barnabas.
Welcome to Richard, our New Events Manager
Richard Apperley is the new Events Manager for Anglican Movement who will be leading the organisation of key events in the Diocesan calendar in 2024.
St Luke’s Wadestown Ministers to Local Rest Home
On the second Wednesday of each month you will find members of St Luke’s Wadestown holding a Holy Communion service for the apartment dwellers and care home residents of BUPA Crofton Downs, and sharing morning tea with the apartment residents.
Ordination Anniversary Something to Celebrate
As Advent begins and ordination services continue around the diocese, St Alban’s parish of Eastbourne had extra reasons to celebrate.
Whanganui Welcomes New Priests
It was a stifling hot afternoon to be packing out Whanganui's oldest public building - St Peter's in Gonville - for the ordination to the priesthood of Rev Robyn Moses and Revs Luca and Sam Tovey Duckworth on Saturday.
Prayer for Peace in Advent Season
As we enter this time of Advent we continue to pray for the people of Israel and Palestine.