Anglican Movement

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What’s in your chocolate?

With Easter weekend behind us many of us have a meaningful time remembering the cost that Jesus paid for us – and some of us may have had a bit too much chocolate.

So, what goes into your chocolate? A while back Cadbury was in the spotlight for using palm oil in their chocolate, but have you ever wondered about some of the other things that may be in there? Are the wages paid to the workers fair? Is child labour used? Do they contribute to deforestation?

Be Slavery Free has surveyed the world’s biggest chocolate companies and produced a scorecard worth looking at. 38 of the companies were rated on the six most pressing sustainability issues facing the chocolate industry: traceability and transparency; living income policies; child labour; deforestation and climate; agroforestry; and agrichemical management.

We can be an influence for good, one purchase at a time. Across the world, demand for sustainably sourced cocoa products is increasing. People around the world are thinking critically about their chocolate choices, and companies are responding with better transparency, better prices for farmers, and more investment back into local communities. And the businesses are responding!

Find out how your favourite chocolate treat fares with the 2022 Chocolate Scorecard and find out more about the cocoa industry.