Trusting God in moving to Trentham

We moved to Trentham because wise people discerned for us it would be a good fit.

This is how Revs Simon and Jessica Falconer describe their move to serve in the Parish of Trentham.

They say it has already turned out to be the simplest and easiest move in the world and it feels like coming home.  

“As we were walking our dogs along the Hutt River this week, we realised that we were exactly where God wanted us to be,” they said.

But the journey to get there wasn’t always clear. They describe it below.

“We would like emails from Jesus—clear directions, preferably with a five-year plan. Bullet points would be helpful. However, sometimes Jesus forgets to send emails. So sometimes you find yourself in a place where you know a season is ending, but you don’t know where the new season is. 

“So, you pray. And read scripture. And try to meditate. You tell your Archdeacon, and they pray and discern and suggest something. And you say, "We hadn't thought of that." And promptly do nothing about it. 

“So, you pray some more and read your bible. You talk to your people and try to work out where God is asking to be. You go down some wrong paths and have doors shut on you. It gets stressful. 

“You hand your notice in and have a leaving date. With no plan. And no clue. And then, when you have used all of your resources and are tired and stressed, you could try listening to your Archdeacon.

“And do what they suggested in the first place.”


Come and celebrate Jessica and Simon’s installation as the Co-Vicars of the Parish of Trentham at 7pm, Wednesday 21 February 2024.


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