Anglican Movement

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Opening the Doors at St Mary’s Silverstream 

Not long after starting her role as Vicar at St Mary’s Silverstream, Rev Kath Bier felt God challenge her to open the doors of the church throughout the week. 

“I initially opened one, but my husband encouraged me to open them both. It was only then that we noticed people started coming in,” Kath says. 

People would come off the street for some quiet time, while others who were disconnected with church for various reasons came in wanting to chat. 

Kath says those conversations have led to two people regularly attending church and another coming every so often. 

Previously groups using the church during the week would unlock the doors when they arrived, the public didn’t have access. 

“On a random Thursday there was all this life that was happening together,” she says. “It wouldn’t have happened if the church doors weren’t opened.” 

One of the outcomes of opening the doors has been that, while the regular groups didn’t used to mix, there is now much more crossover. For example, the Women’s Fellowship were recently joined over lunch by a group of young people from Ignite Sport who were making blankets out of potato chip packets for people experiencing homelessness.  

Now St Mary’s has a pastoral team called the Alongside Ministry who ensure at least one person is available to talk to people on Monday to Wednesday mornings. Kath says she also takes the opportunity to offer to bless or pray for everyone who comes into the church building, such as people who come to check the fire alarms, and finds most people say yes. 

One surprise, was finding out the church’s belltower is a Pokéstop for the Pokémon Go game, which brings people right up to the church doors. Once they get there, they find the church open. And within those open doors are more opportunities for connection. 

“The people who come are always pleasantly surprised by the welcome and the hospitality they receive,” Kath says.