Anglican Movement

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Opportunity to support Movement friends in South Asia

Earlier this year, Anglican Movement friends Z and J*, and their young son, left Aotearoa and answered God’s call to serve in a new place.  

We are inviting you to support this wonderful young family in prayer and/or financial support.

We know them from their amazing season as part of Urban Vision and are excited about the journey they are on. They are sent out by NZCMS and supported by Anglican Missions.

As they settle into this new place and orientate to the Lord’s movement in them, let us call on God’s goodness and grace to abound with them each day.  

Over the last few months, they have set about learning the language and culture of their new setting.

They’re also getting used to their physical environment. The heat, the smells, the noise and how to get around a big Asian city takes such an adjustment.

In between all this, they are volunteering their time coordinating youth sport, games and community activities.  

They are being orientated and supported by a local organization with significant expertise in working alongside communities.

To find out more and to receive their newsletter updates, contact NZ CMS by emailing

To start supporting financially, please follow this link:

*Due to security concerns full names have been redacted.