Anglican Movement

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New Bishop of Polynesia

On Saturday, Anglicans from across the pacific gathered together in celebration to ordain and install the Most Rev Sione Uluilakepa as Bishop of Polynesia and welcome him as an Archbishop of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. Ven. Julie Rokotokala went to Fiji to represent us and she tells us about her time there.

What a privilege it was to be present, representing Bishop Justin and the Diocese of Wellington at the ordination and installation of the 8th Bishop of Polynesia, Bishop Sione Uluilakepa, and the recognition of him as our Archbishop, the newest member of the threefold Primateship in this Province. It was wonderful to also have present three other priests from our Diocese, Archdeacon Sue Fordyce (representing St John's College Trust Board), Rev Michael Hartfield (representing Anglican Missions Board) and Rev Lorna Gray (representing Tikanga Pakeha Youth Coordinator).

The Service of Ordination, installation and recognition was a joyful, colourful, multicultural and moving service of worship, in which the five languages of the Diocese of Polynesia were heard through readings and song. Hundreds of people were packed into the Cathedral, and seating was set under shade outside with a video link. It was wonderful to see Bishop Wai and Rev Terirori in attendance for Te Upoko o te Ika. Archbishop Don preached an excellent sermon full of challenge to all who are charged with being shepherds of the flock and especially directed to the new Bishop. As always, the invocation of the Holy Spirit and the laying on of hands of the dozen or so bishops present was a holy, anointed time.

A highlight for both Sue and I was the Alleluia chorus, sung as a surprise after the Bishop took his chair in the Cathedral. The Tongan choir made up of members of choirs from the Anglican church in Tonga and in New Zealand was incredible in all the singing, but this was truly heavenly. It was the best rendition that I have heard and you couldn't help but be caught up in praise to God. Sue and others commented that it revived their commitment to more singing in church.

The newly elected President of Fiji Ratu Wiliame Katonivere and his wife Filomena were especially honoured guests at both the service and the lunch.

The reception that followed saw honoured guests and around a thousand church members entertained and fed at the FMF Gymnasium. There was a real Tongan flavour to this part of the festivities, with formal presentations, speeches, dancing and singing. I presented the new Bishop with prayer jars and a framed woodcut print by NZ Samoan artist Michel Tuffery entitled “E is for eels” from our Diocese. The print has two intertwined eels symbolising our two Dioceses in partnership and our joint responsibility to care for the oceans and environment we share. During presentations by the Diocese of Polynesia I was honoured to receive special thanks along with other Bishops and Vicar Generals present.

The temperature outside on this day was around 33 degrees and just a bit hotter inside! It was in the early evening when we finished and sought the solace of our air-conditioned room!

That was the first day of what turned into three days of festivities. On Sunday the Cathedral and outside seating were again packed for the first Eucharistic service of the Bishop of Polynesia. Another Wonderful multilingual service culminating in the con- celebration of Eucharist by Assistant Bishops of Polynesia Gabriel Sharma and Henry Bull with Bishop Sione. On Monday the cultural presentations from Episcopal units continued. We watched and listened in awe as each people group honoured and welcomed the new Archbishop with gifts and music according to their traditions. Once again, the Diocese of Polynesia fed everyone as they had after every event and the warmth and generosity of hospitality was palpable.

So much joy, so much colour, so rich a cultural tapestry that our Diocese is a part of. My cup is running over. I am so grateful for the gift of this time of building relationships and strengthening our connections with the Diocese of Polynesia. I bring back the warm greetings of Archbishop Sione and Vicar General Orisi who look forward to deepening our partnership in the coming year.