Anglican Movement

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Enough For All: How political parties will help New Zealanders to thrive

For some time, our movement has spoken up and acted for those who don't have enough. We've focused on topics like child poverty, the continuing housing crisis, climate justice, human trafficking, the Living Wage movement and the resettlement of former refugees. That's why as the General Election approaches, we are teaming up with other like-minded organisations to co-host an election forum at political parties will tell us their vision for achieving a more just and thriving Aotearoa.

As Election Day nears, how might we use our voting privilege to love our neighbours? Are the policies and parties we support going to help or hinder those who are struggling to flourish? How might we, Christ's body, stand up for the last, the lost and the least in our democratic process?

This year's election forum is called Enough For All, and will be hosted at St Peter's on Willis Street, on Wednesday the 26th of August from 6pm (refreshments from 5:30pm).

Come along and listen, take part, and consider your part in ensuring there is enough for all in Aotearoa New Zealand. If you can't make it, keep an eye on the St Peter's on Willis Facebook page for livestream details.

Download this poster to share the event in your parish, and share this Facebook event.