Diocesan Bishops Discuss Living in Hope at Training Day

In a time of overwhelming news and global challenges, Bishop Justin Duckworth and Assistant Bishop Anashuya Fletcher offered encouragement and practical ways to cultivate hope at the first Training Day in Wellington on Saturday.


The Bishops acknowledged the difficulties of the current world situation but emphasized the importance of hope for people of faith.

Bishop Justin shared his own struggles with discouragement when faced with overwhelming situations. However, he highlighted two key ways to live in hope: reminding ourselves of God's faithfulness throughout history, and surrounding ourselves with hopeful people.

"We see in the Bible how the people of Israel, facing enormous problems, retold stories of God's intervention in human history," said Bishop Justin.

"Reminding ourselves of the Exodus story, where God rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, or how the early Christians spread the faith even after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD, these stories can inspire hope in our own lives."

Bishop Anashuya offered the concept of hope as a "muscle" that can be strengthened through practices like gratitude, building expectations of good things to come, and celebrating God's presence in everyday life.

She highlighted the importance of sharing stories of hope within faith communities.

"We can build hope together by sharing stories of how we've seen God working in our lives," said +Ana.

"Whether it's a personal transformation or witnessing God's presence in our communities, these stories can uplift and encourage one another."

After describing how God had recently showed up in her own community, +Ana asked those gathered to share with each other three short stories:

1.    A brief story of where you have seen God show up in your own life

2.    Where you have recently seen God show up in your neighbourhood or church, and

3.    Where God may be inviting you to encourage hope in others

The Bishops will present again at the Second Training Day in Palmerston North this Saturday.

Training Day is filled with inspiring talks, practical workshops, and opportunities for fellowship and connection.

Don't miss this chance to deepen your faith, connect with others, and learn how to live in hope in the midst of challenges.



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