Clergy Clothing for Polynesia 

Two days before we travelled to Fiji, Rev Sepi (Diocesan Registrar) humbly asked if I could bring any clergy shirts or vestments that were no longer needed by clergy or churches in our Diocese. 

She explained that many of the clergy, especially self-supporting priests of the Diocese of Polynesia do not have access to clerical wear and they would appreciate anything we were able to pass on. 

I had 2 days to gather what I could. The message went out to Kapiti retired clergy, and thanks to Revs Rex Ford, Maureen Ellis, John Boniface, Bernard Faull and Graeme Brown, Kiro and I went with our cabin bags packed full of clerical wear to share. 

Rev Sepi was thrilled to receive what I hope will be the first of many deliveries over the next year or so, as the word now goes out to the Diocese. It is a very practical way we can partner with and support our brothers and sisters in Polynesia. 

So, have you got unused or surplus clerical wear in your homes or churches? Men's and women's shirts, albs (not wool please!), stoles - all will be gratefully received. Contact Ven Julie 021 118 3657 to arrange pick up/delivery. 


Bishop’s Holy Week and Easter News: “Not my will, but yours be done.”


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