Cathedral re-imagines Trump photo
Photo: Kevin Stent / Stuff
Interfaith leaders gathered on the steps of Wellington Cathedral of St Paul on Sunday, to hold their Bibles and other sacred texts for a photo opportunity. But this was a photo of a very different kind to the one in which US President Donald Trump held up a Bible on the steps of an Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C.
World media has widely reported the angry response to Trump’s photo, which came after law enforcement teams used violent tactics against peaceful protesters in order to clear the way for the President to walk to the church. The local Bishop was quoted as being appalled by the President’s actions, saying, “everything he does inflames violence.”
In response, the Dean of our Cathedral, the Very Rev. David Rowe, felt it was time to re-imagine Trump’s photo through the lenses of peace, love and solidarity. He invited interfaith and cultural leaders to stand on the steps of the Cathedral, holding their sacred texts, to model a more positive alternative. Some members of the group held signs saying “Love your neighbour,” and “Aroha ki tou hoa tata.”
“We wanted to just say ‘there is another way, a peaceful way,’ and to express our unity and working together for the common good. I felt that [the President’s photo opportunity] seemed to be a divisive act, particularly with the use of tear gas to clear the area first,” David told local reporters.
Over 60 people were present in the photo, which was reported in The DominionPost as well as on Newshub’s Sunday night bulletin.
By Duncan Brown