Anglican Movement

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Catch Launches

This week, Archdeacon Scottie Reeve and his team launch ‘Catch’, a network for supporting missional communities and church plants throughout Aotearoa.

“Starting missional communities and church-plants can be a super lonely journey. People often start with a small team, low resources, and a very limited roadmap for what this journey will look like”, says Scottie.

“Many initiatives fall over within the first year or two, with those involved drawing the conclusion that they tried and it didn’t work.”

Catch exists to support small and creative groups throughout Aotearoa who are following Jesus’ invitation to renew the church. Through their work, they hope to help groups to find their way through these early challenging years so that they can emerge into flourishing local faith communities.

“It takes courage to start something new or revive something which has died. We are so lucky in the Wellington Diocese to have a critical mass of over 200 people who have great ideas and experience. We want to make that wisdom available to other centres and denominations.”

There are several ways to follow along and get involved with Catch.

A new podcast featuring Scottie Reeve and Jasmine Robinson comes out once a fortnight, packaging core concepts and best practice into short ten-minute reflections.

A web hub is regularly adding content from some great leaders in our diocese such as Rev. Ana Fletcher and Rev. Amilie Paynter.

Catch also runs a monthly breakfast at the Anglican Centre which is coming up this Wednesday morning. To find out more about Catch, contact