Anglican Movement

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Anglican Missions Launches "Pray the News" Initiative

In a world bombarded by negative news, Anglican Missions is offering a new resource for prayerful people.

"We believe the headlines are a powerful place to pray into," says Rev. Michael Hartfield, National Director of Anglican Missions.

"Our work exposes us to the human cost of geopolitical, social and cultural issues. Sometimes, these issues dominate headlines, and sometimes they get forgotten entirely."

Anglican Missions, an international aid, development and mission agency, is guided by the 5 Marks of Mission of the Anglican Church. Mark of Mission 4 calls on Christians to "transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation."

"Hopelessness in the news can feel overwhelming," acknowledges Rev. Hartfield. "But prayer allows us to put our faith into action."

This is the inspiration behind "Pray the News," a new weekly prayer blog launched by Anglican Missions. Delivered directly to your inbox, "Pray the News" provides summaries and targeted prayer points for the most pressing social, cultural and geopolitical issues.

"'Pray the News' is for everyone," says Rev. Hartfield. "No matter your age or background, you can participate individually or bring these prayer points to your faith communities."

The initiative highlights the power of prayer in a world desperately in need. "A praying church is a powerful church," concludes Rev. Hartfield. "We invite you to join us and Pray the News."

To sign up for "Pray the News," visit