Kairos Training Day

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church


Kairos Training Day is the new name for our Dio Training Days.

It’s for all parish people throughout the Wellington Diocese.

A transformative day of learning to support parishes make a lasting impact in their local context.

Featuring engaging workshops, uplifting worship, and onsite childcare, Kairos provides the perfect environment to navigate and grow our Movement ministry.

Get ready for an afternoon of inspiration and connection!

Join us for lunch between 12-1 pm, then dive into a dynamic programme that kicks off at 1 pm and runs through to 3:45 pm.

Our day will feature a topical keynote from our Bishops on the pressing issues facing the church.

This sets the tone for a series of deep dives into the topics that matter most to you.

You’ll have the opportunity to choose from a variety of engaging workshops, including sessions with Liz Eichler, Children & Families Ministry Leader at Scripture Union New Zealand, and mentors from Education for Ministry, who will explore treaty principles as both a political and faith issue. Don't miss Rev. Stephen King's follow-up to his highly popular workshop on the Eucharist.

Whether you're interested in church planting, prophetic prayer, youth ministry, identity in New Zealand, or care for the elderly, there's a workshop for you.

If you’re part of a Parish in the Wellington Diocese, you’re invited to Kairos Training Day.

Wellington Kairos Training Day has been cancelled.

If you’re able, please support Kairos Training Day in Masterton or Whanganui.

Kairos Training Day

  • Hadlow School
    From noon starting with lunch to 3:45 pm

  • 12 noon – Arrive and Shared Lunch

    1:00 pm – Main session - Mihi whakatau, worship and keynote

    1:45 pm – Workshop One

    2:35 pm – Workshop Two

    3:45 pm – End

  • PPT slide for church notices - Download

    Social Tile - Download

  • Christ Church
    From noon starting with lunch to 3:45 pm

  • 12 noon – Arrive and Shared Lunch

    1:00 pm – Main session - Mihi whakatau, worship and keynote

    1:45 pm – Workshop One

    2:35 pm – Workshop Two

    3:45 pm – End

  • PPT slide for church notices - Download

    Social Tile - Download

Workshops: Session One



Workshops: Session Two



Hear and Respond to what the Spirit is saying to the Church