Anglican Movement

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Sunday 9th February 2025

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time / Te Rātapu Tuarima o He Wā Noa

Prayers inspired by: original prayers, Ps 138, 1 Cor 15:1-11, Luke 5:1-11 Whaiora Te Moni ‘Rau Angiangi’.



He wehi, he weri, kia whakatata mai
He wehi, he weri, he taupua.

I draw near to you Lord;
In fear and trembling I come before you.

We acknowledge those who now pass beyond the veil of this life,
And in world of light, we lift our faces to you.

    Your love, Lord, endures forever—
    do not abandon the works of your hands.

 [Bidding and response]

Creator God– may Your will be done.


For the Church. 

E te Karaiti
As Your body in this world;

May we see with our eyes,
    hear with our ears,
    understand with our hearts,
and turn and be healed.

As Your body in this world
May we call others to see and hear;
To understand
To be healed.

Help us to love in practice-
And, like Your disciples, to call others to Your Gospel,
to the extraordinary abundance of Your love,
and to the truth of Your kingdom;
Tō rangatiratanga.

Creator God– may Your will be done.

We pray for the world and for this place.

E te Wairua Tapu
Kia tau.
Holy Spirit rest upon those around our world
who walk in the midst of trouble-
That their hearts may be strengthened.
That fear be destroyed,
in the hope of the abundant kingdom
that comes to those who wait.

 In this land,
in this time of waiting,
And remembering the Treaty covenant,
strengthen us
to love one another
In the face of all that would drive us away from love.

Creator God– may Your will be done.

We pray for our communities and for our own needs.

E te Tokotoru Tapu
Holy Trinity
We lift to You now
All that we are, in our families, our neighbourhoods,
And in our loneliness;
We lift to you all that we shall become,
And all that we have been.

We lift to You our celebrations, our uncertainties, and our hurts;
Hear our thanks
And our praise.
Bless us.
Keep us.
May Your face shine upon us,
And grant us peace.
