Anglican Movement

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Retiring - Rev. Peter Benge

Peter Benge has just retired from the Parish of Lower Hutt after being a Priest in the Wellington Diocese since 1994.

There was a short time away, from 1996 to early 1998, when he was based in the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf. Other than that, he first served as a Curate at All Saints, Palmerston North from 1990-1993. On his return from overseas he served in Wanganui from 1998 -2005. He then became Vicar of The Parish of Lower Hutt, from 2005 - January 2022.

Peter and Helen were farewelled at a service held a St James’ Church on 30 January. Below is an excerpt from Peter’s farewell.

“The name Peter means ‘rock’ and he has certainly been that to very many people. His pastoral care, at all times, has been outstanding. Many will not realise how many hours, day and night, Peter has spent with parishioners in their time of need. And it is not only parishioners but their extended families and friends. His prayers, love, care and support have been appreciated by so many.

Peter has strived to not only be an intergenerational church but also a multicultural church. From slow beginnings this is becoming more and more evident. Some of our families arrive from overseas and have no family visiting from overseas, and especially now due to Covid. Peter and Helen have always supported and cared for these people “

We wish Peter well as he joins the Wellington City Mission as a Counsellor.

Murray Wills will serve as Interim Priest in Charge and Catherine Froud as Interim Priest Assistant in the Parish of Lower Hutt until the Vicar’s role is filled.