Anglican Movement

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Farewell to David and Pixie Rowe

Many of us have experienced the richness of David and Pixie Rowe’s ministry with us here in our Diocese since their arrival in 2018.

Sadly as most of you I’m sure are aware unfortunately their visa application to remain in New Zealand has been unsuccessful, and the time has now come that they are leaving us and returning to the UK.

We want to make sure that we have a good opportunity for as many of us as possible to celebrate the way that God has worked through David and Pixie during their time here, enjoy their company before they go, and pray for them. So…

This is your invitation to one (or both!) of the following farewells, depending on what’s easiest for you and your diary. All are welcome; please share this widely as you best see fit:

In the South:

Saturday 15th July, 4-6pm-ish, dinner at All Saints’ Hataitai-Kilbirnie

RSVP to Archdeacon Julie Rokotakala at 

In the North:

Join the All Saints’ family for a shared lunch at All Saints’ Palmerston North Community Centre, 12.30pm, Sunday July 16

RSVP to Dan Pitchforth, Vicar’s Warden, All Saints’ Palmerston North at

Please RSVP by Wednesday 12 July so that we can ensure we’ve got enough room and kai. Partners and children are very welcome. 

Finally, a request.

David and Pixie are returning to the UK on trust that God will provide their needs of a new home and new role to go into. This is another big step of faith in their lives. As part of our blessing of them as they go, we would love to help ease their financial burden by contributing towards their shipping costs.

If you are able to help, the team at All Saints’ Palmerston North are coordinating these koha. Their account details are: 02-0630-0010393-00 with the reference ‘Rowe gift’. Please note that it won’t be eligible for a tax/donation receipt.

It would be so great to have as many as possible in the room to show our appreciation of this faithful pair of awesome Jesus people who have given so much to us over their time here. We look forward to seeing you there. If you have any questions please pop them through to Archdeacon Julie (address above) as she’s coordinating the gatherings.

In Christ

Stephen King

Co Vicar-General