Anglican Movement

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Moving On - Harry Newton

Harry Newton has resigned from his position as Vicar of Greytown Parish. His last Sunday will be Sunday 19 March 2023. Harry will be moving to Christchurch to take up the appointment of Vicar in Sumner-Redcliffs Parish.

Harry says, “We’ve been invited to come serve in the parish of Sumner-Redcliffs in Christchurch with me taking on the role of Vicar. The parish has a big focus on mission, both local and global, as well as a passion for youth and children’s ministry. While we’re really sad to be leaving our Greytown community and church whānau we’re incredibly excited about what God has called us to next. The installation will be on Sunday 2 April in Sumner-Redcliffs and there’s a warm invitation to come join our Greytown crew who will be coming down to hand us over to our new church whānau.”