Anglican Movement

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Whānau Fun Night

This Saturday, we are coming together as a family for a bit of fun and reflection.

While many of us had hoped to be at El Rancho enjoying Minsistry Leaders Family Camp, Covid-19 has prevented us gathering together.

Instead, we are inviting the whole Diocese to join our online fun night this Saturday night.

For the younger ones among us, and the young at heart, a Virtual Disco offers the chance to dress up and dance away and win some spot prizes!

The Disco starts at 6:30 pm and can be accessed through this Zoom link or this webpage. We are thankful to the Community of the Transfiguration for hosting this time.

Following the Disco, at 7:30 pm, Bishop Ellie will lead a reflection on ‘Being Living Epistles’.

Find more information and the Zoom link (the same as the Disco link) on this webpage.

We hope you are able to attend one, or both, of these events.

Consider how you might build on our family priority by meeting up with others from your Parish and joining in as a group.

See you there!