Anglican Movement

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Upholding the Taonga of Te Tiriti

In a world that seeks to divide, today was about unity.

A day to affirm our founding story and the responsibility to uphold the taonga of Te Tiriti.

The Hīkoi mō Te Tiriti was a beautiful day. It was fun and peaceful. Over 35,000 people marched. A number not seen in decades of protest.

Our Bishop Justin said, “It was awesome!” He is right.

Seeing our ++Justin and ++Don sharing the day and enjoying the festive atmosphere was awesome.

Our Diocesan whānau turned out in large numbers too. Many marched with Common Grace Aotearoa and picnicked later under the shade of the Cathedral. There, a BBQ and refreshments were served by members of all three Tikanga of our church. So good!

230,000 people signed the Stop the Treaty Principles Bill – Toitu Te Tiriti which calls on the coalition government to stop the Treaty Principles Bill from passing into law.

Today’s turnout and the number of signatures sends a powerful message of opposition to the Bill.

See photos from the day below.