Anglican Movement

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Thank you Wellington Diocese from Pixie and David Rowe

Pixie Rowe writes on the five years she and David ministered in our Diocese. Please continue to hold them in prayer as they prepare to leave our shores and head to England.

Thank you to all the people who welcomed us in July 2018 to the Cathedral and the Diocese. We loved the rhythm of prayer and working alongside AYM, and then growing the Deanery Community with Richard, Rebecca, Edie, and Nate Apperley, folk from AYM and CMS. The Hui of Missional Communities was always great, and the calling to ordination was such an honour.

Expanding the Shop and focusing especially on Fairtrade, sustainable and local and growing a fab team to help be God’s welcome in the Heart of the city. Making a huge tree with the Deanery Community, and dropping 700 paper leaves from the ceiling at the first ordination was stunning. Sharing the love of Christ with each person who entered, often getting to pray with or for people. Learning to cantor with the Choir was a privilege. David and Pixie both liked being part of Cafe Church after the big lockdown, which was creative, welcoming, and fun! Pixie also liked meeting former neighbour & PM Jacinda. Walking alongside people in discipleship, at the Cathedral, and later through home groups and then in All Saints, Palmerston North, has been a joy.

David Rowe wants to thank +Justin and +Ellie for trusting us, and believing in us! David is particularly grateful for the opportunity to work with clergy clusters all over the diocese, especially those in the Wairarapa and the Northern Cluster, who can feel a little isolated. Meeting for morning tea with the Dio team for a year as a Cathedral team was good, too, and mentoring various folk.

Coaching younger church leaders has been very rewarding, especially Hickmans, and the group known as ‘Spider Man Hands’ (Apperley, Benson & Spence). Each of the Vestries doing Mission Action Plans have been a highlight, and speaking at leadership family Camp. One of those included doing a workshop on raising kids in the Vicarage together with our son Caleb, who we have both delighted in, and sharing times with the congregations in Whanganui, and of course Caleb, Billy, and our granddaughters.

Our last year has been rather distracted with Visa applications, waiting, cancer diagnosis, waiting, treatment, waiting. And now leaving with a clear diagnosis, and wonderful memories of sharing such a great collaboration of leadership with Andrew Carson, wardens and the Team at All Saints, who we treasure. As this is written we still do not know where we will live or serve next, but we shall be joyfully reunited with our daughters, family, and friends, and housesitting for a few people!

Please come see us (somewhere!) in the UK the next time you are there. God is good and God is global, hallelujah!