Anglican Movement

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Teams & Worshipping Communities

The Teams and Worshipping Communities course, led by Bishop Justin and Archdeacon Gendy, started last month. The course is designed for teams within a worshipping faith community to encourage team health and function. We spoke to Rev. Andy Hickman about what he and his team at the Onslow Anglicans are getting out of the course.

Why is your team participating in the TAWC course?
We know that if we just continue doing church services we will not make disciples, but if we think ‘missionally’ then we will do parish life and intentional community more dynamically, focused on mission and discipleship which is our core purpose for existing.

For this to happen we need an enlarged and robust framework of understanding so that, collectively as a team, we can move forward towards a renewed expression of being “local, lively, loving” Onslow Anglicans in our neighbourhood and beyond.

How has your team found it so far?
The content has been phenomenal and given us the ‘big picture’. The group mentoring sessions have made it practical and relevant, and it is helping us grow in our relational understanding of each other.

How might the course benefit your ministry/parish?
We, as a core team, intend to be the ones who model what it means to be a pioneering people of the Great Commission (Matthew 28). Our parish members look to us to provide the leadership and direction for future growth and outreach. Knowing that there are other groups in our diocese doing this course also encourages us and provides mutual support.