Anglican Movement

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Queen’s Birthday Honours

Three of our movement whānau have been awarded honours this Queen’s Birthday weekend.

Michael Scrivener has been awarded the Queen’s Service Medal (QSM) for services to ethnic communities and refugees. Michael is a life member of the Hutt Multicultural Council, distributes household items for refugee resettlement and collects and distributes second-hand shoes for Shoes for Planet Earth.

Read more about the award

Rev. Jon Hartley has been awarded the Queen’s Service Order (QSO) for services to governance and the community. Jon has volunteered his skillset of business, strategy governance, leadership development and transformative change management towards helping those living in poverty locally and internationally.

“I was surprised and humbled,” said Jon. “I couldn’t have done it without the many people in my life supporting me both in New Zealand and abroad, especially my wife Chris.”

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Canon Paul Oestreicher has been awarded an Order of the British Empire (OBE) for services to peace, human rights and reconciliation.

Canon Paul spent most of his working life crossing the Iron Curtain from West to East, as a representative of the British churches and Eastern Europe, Russia, and other communist nations. He was a founding member of Amnesty International, and later its chairman in Britain in the 1970s.

“It's an award to all those who have worked with me and who continue to work with me for those causes. So I don't see it as a personal honour, I see it as an honour for the things I stand for,” he said.

Read more about award

Congratulations to you all and thank you for the good work you have done with the last, the lost and the least.