Anglican Movement

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Mission for Submissions makes it easy to have your say

Churches in our diocese are busy preparing to hold their Mission for Submissions service in the coming weeks, and some are going all out to theme their service around the important need for us to respond to climate change.

Our climate advocacy team has been busy creating resources, so even if some of us can't host a speaker, or would prefer not to hold the service in the 14th of March, we can all still take part.

This week, the team have released an "explainer" video, which is designed to be downloaded and played in church where there is no speaker available to champion the cause. It explains the current situation, and why it's important for us to make our voices loud and clear with our elected representatives. It also gives suggestions as to how to make a submission, even if you're no expert on the matter, or if you've never done it before.

The explainer video, along with submission forms and other resources, is available at

Let's pray that on an issue that will affect generations to come, that God will grant our elected representatives wisdom to make decisions that guards God's creation and cares for those who are made vulnerable by climate change.