Anglican Movement

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Meet Mark

It’s the time of year when our finance team is busy with consolidating the accounts from across the diocese. Mark Chan is our Finance Manager so we thought it would be good to share a little bit more about him and what he does.

Tell us a bit about your role
The Finance Manager leads the finance team in the delivery of financial management and accounting services. This includes preparation of Diocesan financial statements, audit and group consolidation and regular reports to governance and Finance Committee. In addition the Finance Manager also prepares the annual Diocesan budget and budget share for approval of Synod and support the Diocesan Manager in the overall management of Trusts and investments. Developing and maintaining internal systems of budgeting, forecasting, and regular reporting to support budget holders and managers in carrying out their roles.

Another important aspect is to provide financial reporting support, training and advice to parish treasurers and vestry. Oversight of payroll and accounts processing round off the role in serving mission and ministry of the Diocese by providing agile and efficient financial systems.

How did you end up working at the Anglican Centre?
I had been seeking God for an opportunity to utilise my skills and talents to serve the wider church and was blessed with this role!

What are you currently working on?
My current focus is completing the General Diocesan Fund financial reports for audit and Diocesan group consolidation financial statements for audit. The latter is heavily reliant on the work done by parish treasurers including Trusts, so a big Thank You in advance for your help and support.

What should parishes call you about?
The Finance team provide support and advice in financial and management reporting, accounts, tax, investments and payroll.

What is one thing you wish parishes knew?
There is a huge amount of ready talent and help within the Diocese so please reach out to a fellow parish treasurer or Diocesan Finance if you need help.

Is there anything else we should know?
We all have a role to play in the Diocese mission and ministry. Your role is an important one, wherever you are.