Anglican Movement

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Improving NZ Media Standards

Media Matters NZ seeks better standards for the News Media in New Zealand.

Lead by Rev. John Terris (QSO), Media Matters provides media commentary and analysis to lobby for online safety and the protection of the news landscape in New Zealand.

John says, “After months of trying, we are in a situation of potential cut-through at present over the matter of On-line safety.

“Major articles by Internet NZ and TVNZ have appeared recently that call out attempts to normalise hate speech in New Zealand.

“Our own broadcasting standards authority has publicly declared that their powers need an urgent upgrade to deal with internet harm,” he says.

Other countries have legislative processes in place to limit or ban hate speech online.

But in Aotearoa/New Zealand it’s a free for all. Social media giants like Facebook, Twitter (X), and TikTok, cause harm to the young and vulnerable in our society, and  encounter little to no barriers when accessing and distributing locally made news content.

John says, “This is a serious issue because of the increasing susceptibility of young and vulnerable people to bullying, stalking, porn and the objectification of women.

“As thoughtful Christians opposed to the normalisation of hate speech, we can make our voice heard,” says John. o curb.


Media matters can provide your parish with material and a speaker if you would like to hear more. Contact John for more information.