Anglican Movement

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Godly Administration Groups a Great Way to Disciple

The idea behind Godly Administration Discipleship Groups emerged over a number of years through Deacon for Administration Paul Carey’s own participation in discipleship groups.

“It came from me trying to work out what the ‘five Vs’ [a 3DM concept comprising Vision, Values, Vehicles, Valuation and Vocab] were for Godly administration,” Paul says.

Starting with a prototype discipleship group in 2021, it was in the following year that Hazel Nugent (who had been in the prototype group) assisted Paul in leading the first Godly Administration Discipleship Group, with members from parishes and mission units across the diocese. In January this year they both started leading separate groups with an assistant leader from previous groups.

At the heart of these groups is the use of discipleship and leadership tools such as the Kairos circle and accountability, but with an administration overlay. The aim is to equip, enthuse and empower parish administrators about Godly administration, who will in turn help lead further groups and disciple others into leading them.

“Now obviously administration can be ‘just a job’, but Godly administration is something different: an essential ministry and a gift from God to build up the church,” Paul says.

The groups are one tool amongst others that aim to develop a culture of Godly administration within the diocese. Other tools include workshops on Godly administration at events such as training days, with plans for termly zoom meetings and annual retreats.

Archdeacon for Mission and Ministry Gendy Thomson, who provides oversight of this ministry, said the groups had borne a lot of fruit.

“The impact stories of this ministry are so encouraging: people who never realised their administrative talent was a gift, and who quickly start to orient towards a wider Godly perspective on their role in the ministry team of their mission units,” she says.

Former St Augustine’s parish administrator Fiona Roberton (now Communications and Grants Writer), said being part of a Godly Administration Discipleship Group had broadened her perspective on administration from her reading of scripture, as well as provided a safe space to discuss things she felt God might be saying to her.

“I hadn’t thought about Nehemiah, Joseph and Daniel as administrators before, particularly considering the significant roles each were placed in by God,” Fiona says.

“It has also taught me concepts such as the Kairos circle and the value of sabbath, that will have a wide application in my life in and outside work.”

The Groups meet either weekly or fortnightly over Zoom for a calendar year, and new groups will be established in 2024. Anyone working in an administrative role in the diocese can express their interest in joining a future group to Paul ( or Hazel (