Anglican Movement

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From Small Acorns

It began at the end of March, when a small group of us from Onslow Anglicans decided to sign up for the online course called “Holiness and Social Action”. I think we were particularly interested in exploring what it meant to be Christian but at the same time to be very much engaged with the world and its needs. One example that grabbed our attention was Saint Francis and how he made a point of going out into the community and getting alongside people – “the last, the lost and the least,” to quote a phrase!

Not long afterwards, a reflection on the parable of the lost sheep again pointed in the direction of needing to leave the safety of the fold and go in search of those outside. We couldn’t help feeling that God was giving us a nudge!

Alongside that, our little group also met in an online “huddle” for a number of weeks, during which, with the help of Archdeacon Gendy, we explored the idea of reaching upwards to God, inwards to support each other, and outwards into the community.

Then came a chance encounter with a parishioner who, for health reasons, is no longer able to attend church. She commented that one thing that had kept her going through difficult times was involvement in handcraft and other creative pursuits. We got talking about the possibility of setting up a craft group at church.

One thing led to another, and we began to consider other forms of outreach as well. What would be helpful to people, and what skills and passions did we have, collectively, that we might be able to share with others and, in doing so, make connections with the wider community?

In August we launched a family history group, which is now held once a month at the Khandallah Town Hall. We are not a large group but we are getting to know each other and enjoy each other’s company, and it’s a good way of making new friends. Family stories are not only endlessly fascinating but provide oodles of opportunity for connection!

Then came the thought of a community garden at the back of our church hall. God seems to have been with us in that venture, too, because at precisely the right moment we learned (via Gendy) about a project called “Seeds to Feeds” that was keen to find an available plot of land in our area. The idea is for those who enjoy gardening to get together and grow produce that can then be used for a community meal - augmented and transformed by the skills of those who like foraging, fishing, cooking, baking, brewing and so on. So many opportunities to make more connections! Our first working bee was held recently and we have great plans…

Still on the drawing board is the craft group, which we haven’t quite managed to get off the ground yet. That said, we have come up with ideas for some Onslow-Anglicans-branded items like t-shirts, mugs, and the like – and we are sure that when the time is ripe, God will lead us into other creative projects and help us make more connections!

Our little group continues to meet weekly online, to go deep together, support each other, and share what God might be saying to us, and we are hoping that in the New Year we might be able to encourage one or two more “huddles” to get going in the parish. Who know what missional ideas they might have?!

“From small acorns, mighty oak trees grow.” We’re just a tiny seedling at the moment, but with hope, prayer, and faith in God…

  • Are you part of an existing group? If not, consider getting together with some of the people in your church.

  • What interests do you have/share? What are you passionate about? Take time to pray about it and invite God to speak.

  • What would reaching out into your community look like?

  • Consider enrolling on one of our Christian Study courses.