Anglican Movement

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From being “them and us” to being “us together”

Differences can divide and separate us people causing misunderstanding and hurt. How then do we stop differences separating us and start to celebrate diversity as a strength?

This year Te Pouhere Sunday and Disability Awareness Sunday are celebrated on the same Sunday, June 19. From being “them and us” to being “us together” weaves together Te Pouhere and Disability Awareness through becoming united in our diversity. Our differences can strengthen our communities.

At the heart of both events is the celebration of our unity in Christ and diversity in being human. We celebrate these both by acknowledging the new position of the Disability Ministry Educator in our Anglican church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. See the Disability Ministry Educators set out article on Anglican Taonga.

How to use this resource
This resource package is designed to be used throughout the church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. Our theme is being inclusive and celebrating our differences. No two communities are the same, we are all different and we celebrate this! There is a wide variety of material in this package. We invite you to take what “speaks” to your community. Hopefully there is something that connects with your community and you are encouraged you to take what fits your situation.

Maybe some take one of two of the ideas from the background and/or images create a sermon, have a korero (discussion) or another activity around them.It maybe you use some of the prayers and the readings or focus on the article from Anglican Taonga. Maybe you have local knowledge of the three tikanga church and/or disability responsiveness, we invite to weave this into this celebration.

Weaving together Te Pouhere and Disability Awareness

The images are designed to help you explore the theme of From being “us and them” To being us together. We are loving and “lying down our lives” to strengthen the body of Christ. We see “the other” as our brothers and sisters in Christ, new creation in Christ.

Background Material

This resource has been created by Revd Vicki Terrell and Mrs Cherryl Thompson If you have any feedback or need any assistance in creating this liturgy please let us know.