Anglican Movement

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Food Support Demand Increases by 400%

Since the Omicron outbreak began, the Wellington City Mission has experienced a 400% increase in demand for food support. They are spending $20,000 a week on groceries to ensure the shelves of the Social Supermarket are stocked to meet that need.

“Over the last two months I have watched the team at the Wellington City Mission, both staff and volunteers, do extraordinary things in the service of those who most need our help. Despite delivering outcomes way beyond anything we have ever had to do, they have worked with wonderful energy, enormous grace and smiles on their faces,” says Wellington City Missioner, Murray Edridge.

Because of the Red traffic light settings, the team has been shopping on behalf of all those that need food support. Where families are unable to pick up, they have been delivering groceries contactlessly – all over the Wellington region including Porirua and the Hutt Valley.

The team at The Mission have split into two and all staff are working in front-line roles to ensure they have capacity to meet the increasing need in the community. “We have been supported wonderfully by volunteers who have helped bolster numbers – with 30% of staff impacted by isolation,” says Kath Bier

The social work team continues to support and advocate for those who might otherwise feel alone, vulnerable and overwhelmed and the supported Transitional Housing facilities continue to operate under Covid-19 restrictions – still offering hope and support to those who have recently experienced homelessness and now reside with us.

If you want to help you can volunteer your time or make a donation.