Anglican Movement

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Children, Church and Canaries

What are the burning issues in Children’s Ministry today and what does it have to do with canaries? Come, listen, be heard, be hopeful.

Come to Kairos Training Day and hear Liz Eichler, National Children and Families Team Leader at Scripture Union, talk about the connection between church health and the health of our children and families.

Liz is passionate about the importance of children and families in our churches, and the challenge of what church looks like in the 21st century.

She says, “The issues that Children’s Ministry face are the same issues that the church faces – but why doesn’t everyone know that? Is it because, like an ostrich, we have our heads in the sand, or is it because the canary hasn’t quite gasped its last breath yet?”

Liz uses the imagery of coal miners who coal miners took canaries into the mines as an early warning signal of toxic gases, primarily carbon monoxide. Canaries, being more sensitive to the air than humans, became sick before the miners, who would then have a chance to escape or put on protective respirators.

“In this workshop we’ll be taking an honest look at the state of children’s ministry in Aotearoa New Zealand and consider some recent research that will challenge us to consider the work of discipling children.

“I believe it should not fall solely to children’s ministry staff or to parents—it must become a point of focus and effort for the entire church. The future of the church is right in front of our eyes and is right now,” she says.

Liz is married to Wayne and has two adult daughters. They live in Newtown, Wellington and worship at Central Baptist Church.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn how to bless the Tamariki among us.

Liz speaks at Kairos Training Day – Whanganui at 1:45 pm.