Anglican Movement

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More Parishes Needed to Help Settle Refugees 

Our Diocese has helped settle 26 families and individuals in the last year.

This is something to celebrate. But it’s challenging work and your help is needed.

The limited supply of appropriate homes has made it near impossible to plan exact family arrival dates more than a week or so ahead.

What we do get to know is who is likely to be coming 1-2 months out and that helps helps with organising collections.

We need more groups of parish volunteers or groups to be trained to do house set-ups.

Once we get advised of the arrival date and address of an incoming family, there is usually no more than a week to link the collecting parish with a set-up team, so that the goods can be collected and the house made ready.   

Diocese Refugee Coordinator Phil McCarthy says there is a definite need for more set-up teams.  “It’s not an onerous commitment but it would be great if someone had a large car or van to collect where necessary,” he says. 

All people involved in setting up houses need to have attended training.

Anyone interested in being involved is encouraged to attend the next training for set-up teams on Monday 21 August from 5:30-6:30 pm at the Anglican Centre, 18 Eccleston Hill, Thorndon. This will be run by Jake Smythe from Red Cross. If you are interested in attending please email Paul Carey at  

Two other updates:  

  • Our Diocese Refugee Coordinator Phil McCarthy is going to be overseas for a couple of months.  Julie Howarth has graciously agreed to act as coordinator for this period. She will be monitoring and can be contacted on mobile: 027 485 6585.  

  • If you haven’t been asked to do a family collection recently, and are ready and willing, a call to Julie would save her having to ring around